In case you have no idea what to read next …
The list of the books, I want to share with you, is totally unordered, it has no special meaning, there is no hidden key.
The list of the books, I want to share with you, is totally unordered, it has no special meaning, there is no hidden key.
I was moved by the scene where Gemma was forced to use a fountain pen to write endless pile of Christmas cards. Even though the scene was really disturbing I was caught by the pen itself. source: Severance S2E7 In the Severance there is always this concept of paying extreme attention to details – whenever […]
I have tried to access my Bitwarden (self-hosted) installation with macOS client. There were two issues: – Failed to fetch, and – SSL issue (outdated certificate). First one was fixed by allowing Bitwarden to access local network Second one, required updating certificates inside my Bitwarden installation. You can find certificates inside a directory with SSL […]
For anyone having hard time to run this command, step by step guide is here: Download Battlenet app. Rename Battle.net-Setup.app to bnet.app for the future reference. Move it to Applications folder. Open Terminal/iTerm2 cd /Applications ./bnet.app/Contents/MacOS/Battle.net-Setup setup source: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/blizzard/t/bnet-installing-stuck-at-45/46675/73
HN submitter shares a post from an X “influencer” showing a video of a post from a LinkedIn “influencer” linking to a WSJ article with a quote from a Berkeley professor about some CS students worried about not getting jobs. And now the title will be treated as the objective truth by everyone looking to […]
I was struggling recently with the size of UI text in SublimeText 4. After increasing the size of fonts inside text editor from 10 to 12 it turned out that this change affects only text editor itself. UI remains as it was. "color_scheme": "Packages/Darkula Color Scheme/darkula.tmTheme", "font_face": "JetBrains Mono", "font_size": 12 in order to change […]
In fact, it just got things a little bit messy for a short period of time. I was trying some stuff with Docker and it went on a rampage. With a total size of my memory equal to 16GB this was an overkill. However, this was the first and only time when my Docker installation […]
GNU Typist is a great source for learning touch typing. You can install it on your own at your Mac. Just follow the steps. 1. Get the source of typist # make sure to have all sources inside ~/opt/src mkdir -p ~/opt/src cd ~/opt/src curl -O https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gtypist/gtypist-2.10.tar.gz tar zxf gtypist-2.10.tar.gz 2. Get the source of […]
It turned out I need to perform a factory reset of a Samsung phone. However, there was no chance to access original e-mail data. I don’t want to go into details here, but you simply have to face the fact that e-mail was lost. Scanning QR code on samsung.com and reseting password didn’t work out. […]
If you have been surprised with the message (while opening Postbox) worry not. It is extremely easy to go back to Thunderbird. Well, at least it was easy for me. — Download Thunderbird — link — Import messages — Tools -> Import -> Import from another Thunderbird installation Location of Profiles for Postbox is here$HOME/Library/Application […]
— Download and install ClamAV — ClamAV — Create config file — mkdir -p $HOME/opt/clamav mkdir -p $HOME/opt/etc cp /usr/local/clamav/etc/freshclam.conf.sample $HOME/opt/etc/freshclam.conf — Update location of ClamAV DB inside freshclam.conf — DatabaseDirectory /Users/YOUR_USER_NAME_GOES_HERE/opt/clamav/database — Install ClamAV database — /usr/local/clamav/bin/freshclam –config-file=$HOME/opt/clamav/etc/freshclam.conf — Scan the whole drive for threats — sudo /usr/local/clamav/bin/clamscan –database=$HOME/opt/clamav/database -i -r /
I po raz kolejny udało się nam uczestniczyć w koncercie: Wojtek Justyna TreeOh!. Jak zwykle super energia płynąca ze sceny. Gorąco polecam, jeżeli ktoś lubi Jazzowe klimaty.
Recently, I have decided to make my Github profile landing page more pleasing to the eye. At some point, I have decided that animated GIF with a terminal commands will look nice. And here, the trouble started. At first, I have decided to simply type in commands by hand. But it was terrible. First of […]
Fusion research is not only a physicists thing. It requires software engineers as well. But apart from being a scientific thing, it is present in a pop-culture as well. It manifests itself via various creations revolving around the idea of fusion. — LEGO — There are at least two projects tackling fusion devices that are […]
It seems to be slightly insane. I guess, I will stay in Verify now mode. You want me to share my passport with some random company? No thanks.
Recently, I have decided to generate PDF of my very first Master’s Thesis. I still have all the original files (I was using Lyx) with all the content (e.g. figures, images, etc.). To my surprise, everything was going extremely smooth. All I had to do was installing MiKTeX, LyX, and load the file. However, there […]
1. disable Night Shift It looks like Mojave 10.14.5 has some issues with booting when display colours are adapted to night mode using Night Shift. After starting up my macOS based machine in the evening (when Night Shift kicks in with all the fancy colour settings) I have noticed that machine boots into black screen. […]
– Jestes tak cienki, zeby gdyby byly zawody przegrywow, to zajalbys ostatnie miejsce! – A dlaczego ostatnie, a nie pierwsze? – Wlasnie dlatego, ze jestes az tak cienki. Hurry up! Before we all come to our senses! – Ktos? – Ja, ja. – Ktokolwiek? – Ja, ja, wybierz mnie!
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu – Zmarł prof. Zygmunt Owsiak
This is my ultimate setup for Sony NW A306 Walkman. — Home Screen — By default, Sony NW A306 puts you on a Home Screen with Google Search bar – completely useless. This is why it is better to set it to Home Screen 2 This way you can easily access currently played song and […]
I am not an Android person, and I didn’t know one can disable PIN on a lock screen. You can do it on your Sony NW A306 by diving into: Settings -> Security -> Screen lock -> None This steps makes the Sony Walkman experience so much better :) And all of that thanks to […]