Getting T* Done – pure text [Sublime Text] without plugins
As you already know, I have just read two, GTD related (Getting Things Done), books. You can find my “reviews” here and there. I have decided to give it a try – once again (as it turned out I have used it extensively in the past, without knowing that I was using it). This time, I have decided do go purely digital. It’s not a rocket science, to find out that there are numerous tools out there you can benefit from when it comes to GTD – you can even find some templates for GTD setup here. As for me, at some point, I have extensively used Things for storing my TODO list, projects, etc. However, once Things decided to go into the Cloud, I have completely dropped it. I don’t quite like the idea of storing sensitive information in the Cloud.
Anyways, as I wanted to have purely text based setup, I have decided to go with a simple layout and manage my lists in Sublime Text.
The only thing that left to be done was making sure I can share data between different machines (BTW – you can see outbox.txt inside my layout, and it’s no longer required thanks to Git). I have decided to go with Git. All I had to do was to setup Git repository on one of my machines. It’s super simple and you can find really comprehensive tutorial here.
With Git I was able to kill two birds with one stone – I am able to share GTD notes between different machines, and I can keep all the history of my activity without resorting to outbox.txt. Now, I can simply ditch all the actions that are done, and still be able to get them back via Git’s history. The perfect setup.
And what is your preferred way for dealing with GTD*? :) It’s a sort of rhetorical question as you can’t even comment the post ;)
* I still use Moleskine notebooks and fountain pen for taking quick notes ;)