FreeBSD as NAS
Recently, I have decided that I will replace my outdated, no longer supported Ubuntu installation with something more recent. I was considering three possibilities: Debian 7, Ubuntu 13, FreeBSD 9.2. Eventually, I have decided for the last one. My brief summary follows:
1. If you want to have quick, space saving installation, go for FreeBSD. Let’s face it. When it comes to NAS, all you need is a SFTP server. And FreeBSD can save you lots of space on your HD
2. If you decide to use RAID 1, do not hesitate to visit this link: This one is really, really, cool!
3. Why FreeBSD? Well, I was working with FreeBSD for some time in past. Now, I simply decided it is a good time to give it another try. Additionally, I plan to expose some services via public IP and I think that FreeBSD is better suited for this task.
BTW – you might also need this one: