Fusion in pop-art
Fusion research is not only a physicists thing. It requires software engineers as well. But apart from being a scientific thing, it is present in a pop-culture as well. It manifests itself via various creations revolving around the idea of fusion.
There are at least two projects tackling fusion devices that are made out of LEGO. First one, is the model of ITER based tokamak chamber. You can find it here: link.
Second one, is a LEGO IDEAS project that resembles ITER Fusion Reactor Segment: link.
There is a whole series of manga comics related to ITER project. Some of them translated to English. You can find the whole series here: link.
I am pretty sure there is a number of movies tackling the topic, but LET THERE BE LIGHT – directed by Mila Aung-Thwin & Van Royko – is a quite nice introduction to the topic. It covers various devices being built all over the world.
Last, but not least, you can find Minecraft structures that are resembling tokamaks. One of them, here.
If you know some other pop-art examples related to fusion let me know and I will gladly add them here.