No information for converting ps format files to pdf6.
Define a converter in the preferences.
Recently, I have decided to generate PDF of my very first Master’s Thesis. I still have all the original files (I was using Lyx) with all the content (e.g. figures, images, etc.).
To my surprise, everything was going extremely smooth. All I had to do was installing MiKTeX, LyX, and load the file. However, there was an issue while generating PDF file. Whenever I tried to generate the output, I was getting a nasty error
No information for converting ps format files to pdf6.
Define a converter in the preferences.
produced by LyX

I tried to create converter, as advised, but I have failed miserably. To be honest, I still have no idea how to do it. So, I started to dig inside logs in order to find where exactly the issue kicks in. It turned out that one of the chapters had an issue with PostScript images. Inside LyX, it looked like this

However, if I have used eps format instead, it worked in other places in the Thesis. So, what I did was converting all the ps files that triggered issues to eps. This is super simple
> ps2eps output.eps
Then, I simply changed the source of the image

and magically, it worked as expected

That’s it.