
What kind of programmer are you…
take this simple C based ‘loop’ test

You still remember good old days with your Atari/Commodore machine. You like to annotate the code and you miss line numbers so much You like it ‘low level’ style. In high school you were the master of assembler. There is nothing wrong about working with bare metal, close to the chip. There is also nothing […]


Invalid CSS after “body”: expected 1 selector or at-rule, was “{ “

This error drove me crazy for a while. Find one difference :) @import ‘~@angular/material/prebuilt-themes/deeppurple-amber.css’ body { padding: 0; } @import ‘~@angular/material/prebuilt-themes/deeppurple-amber.css’; body { padding: 0; }


find without .git and .svn

> find . -not -iwholename ‘*.svn*’ -type f -name "*" > find . -not -iwholename ‘*.git*’ -type f -name "*"


Apple keyboard symbols – how to type them

⌘ – U+2318 ⌥ – U+2325 ⇧ – U+21E7 ⌃ – U+2303 ⌫ – U+232B If you don’t know how to type Unicode characters in mac OS, take a look here: Unicode frames in macOS.


Capture whole HTML page into PNG

1. Start Chrome 2. Open the page 3. Open DevTools (⌥⌘I) 4. Open the Command Menu (⇧⌘P) 5. Choose Capture full size screenshot


Python 3 Programming Specialization – Coursera

If you want to learn Python 3, I definitely suggest this specialization: Python 3 Programming Specialization. It consists of five courses, each focusing on different aspects of programming. It will guide you through the basics of Python 3 programming and will let you learn lost of various aspects of Python 3 based development: Python basics […]


List all shared libraries loaded by the process

> cat /proc/PROC_ID/maps | sed ‘s/\s\s*/ /g’ | cut -f6 -d’ ‘ | grep ‘\.so’ | sort -u or > lsof -p PROC_ID | grep "\.so" | sed ‘s/\s\s*/ /g’ | cut -f9 -d’ ‘ | sort -u


Unicode frames in macOS

If you want to type in Unicode character on macOS, it’s very simple. Just add new layout System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Input Sources. Now, you can type the hex number of Unicode character while keeping option (⌥) key pressed. For example, to get ╒═╕ type: ⌥+2552, ⌥+2550, ⌥+2555.


It was fun, but no, thanks …


And Now for Something Completely Different – e-Deklaracje 2019 macOS

Jeżeli walczysz z e-Deklaracjami na macOS, jest duża szansa że widziałeś komunikat jak poniżej: “Failed to load an application resource (internal error).” Na szczęście, jest rozwiązanie tej patowej sytuacji. Winę za całość ponosi integracja e-Deklaracji i Adobe Acrobat Reader DC. Nie wiem jak u innych, ale u mnie e-Deklaracje nie współpracują z najnowszą wersją Adobe […]


Scanning remote machines in macOS

If you have issues while testing your remote services, it’s very convenient to use Network Utility in macOS. You can start it either using Spotlight Search (⌘-space) or you can call it directly from CLI > /System/Library\ /CoreServices/Applications/\ Network\ Utility.app/Contents/\ MacOS/Network\ Utility All you have to do is to scan your target machine using Prot […]


Quotes like this make my day ;)

So the svd and the principle components, and principle components analysis is essentially the same thing. And so if you hear, you know, you’re in a cocktail party and you hear two people talking about the svd and pca you can rest assured that they’re basically doing the same thing. source: Exploratory Data Analysis One […]


And Now for Something Completely Different – Reputacje


How do I work with development build on macOS – NetBeans 11.0

Whenever you download NetBeans 11.0 (development version) from the official page here: Download, you end up with a zip file that contains working copy of NetBeans. It looks like this netbeans |– CREDITS.html |– DEPENDENCIES |– DISCLAIMER |– LICENSE |– NOTICE |– README.html |– apisupport |– bin |– enterprise |– ergonomics |– etc |– extide […]


macOS and VMware Tools for Ubuntu
– sharing files between host and guest system

You can share your macOS directories between your host system and guest system while running VMFusion. In my case, the easiest way to do it was as follows. Download VMware Tools You can download it here: VMware tools Unpack the archive After unpacking the archive you will find structure like this VMware-Tools-core-10 |– floppies | […]


OpenVPN on macOS 10.14

If you want to install most recent version of OpenVPN on macOS you will need: tuntap   git clone git://tuntaposx.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/tuntaposx/tuntaposx LZO http://www.oberhumer.com/opensource/lzo/download/ OpenSSL git clone https://github.com/openssl/openssl.git OpenVPN     OpenVPN download XCode XCode in AppStore Double check you can download all the stuff. Once it’s in place, you can proceed with installation. # Make sure to install command […]


NetCAT 11.0

So, NetCAT 11.0 has started Register If you want to register, take a look here: NetCAT 11.0 Participants Get the stuff If you are looking for development version of NetBeans (current version is 11.0-vc4) – take a look here: 11.0-vc1, 11.0-vc2, 11.0-vc3, 11.0-vc4. You will need JVM to run things If you are looking for […]


macOS with multiple displays-
prevent mouse from jumping to other screen

Working with multiple displays can make you suffer while moving mouse close to the edge. Suddenly you end up at the other display. Solution is so freaking simple ;)


cat and next line continuation ‘\’

This one, gave me one, huge, headache. > cat script.sh #!/bin/bash cat file \ | sed "s|aa|bb|g" > touch file > ./script.sh cat: : No such file or directory ./script.sh: line 3: syntax error near unexpected token `|’ ./script.sh: line 3: ` | sed "s|aa|bb|g"’ Yes, you are right, there is an extra space at […]


macOS + VIM + Modifer Keys… – make life easier