
macOS High Sierra – make sure your system is safe
updated for ClamAV release 0.100.0

If you want to make sure that your macOS High Sierra is clean (when it comes to malicious software) you can use free tool (free as in beer and free as in speech – at the same time) called ClamAV. You can get it various ways. You can download it’s commercial version from AppStore – […]


Simple automation for random commenter name

$input_1 = array( "Pragmatyzm", "Idealizm", "Sofizm", "Arystotelizm", "Scholastyka", "Egzystencjalizm", "Fenomenologia", "Analityka", "Behawioryzm", "Buddyzm", "Kartezjanizm" ); $input_2 = array( "Kanta", "Arystotelesa", "Platona", "Sokratesa", "Kartezjusza", "Peirce’a", "Dennetta", "Kołakowskiego", "Tatarkiewicza", "Kotarbińskiego", "Kanta", "Locke’a" ); $name = $input_1[rand(0, count($input_1) – 1)] . ‘ ‘ . $input_2[rand(0, count($input_2) – 1)]; <input hidden="true" type="text" name="author" id="author" class="text" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($name)?>"/>


GDPR and blog comments

I have no idea whether GDPR affects personal blogs or not. However, I decided to clean all the e-mails attached to comments, anyway. In fact, I haven’t asked people for name, e-mail, anything, for quite some time (more than a year already, I guess). Today, however, I have decided to make a final step. I […]


I’d love to comment an article on your blog

but you don’t let me do it. Dear, anonymous blogger, you make me run away just after reading your ideas. Yes, you hide yourself behind Disqus, Twitter, Facebook login. You force me to provide my name, my e-mail, my everything. It makes me say “-I don’t care. Reading was nice, but I have no time […]


Unpacking RPM

rpm2cpio file.rpm | cpio -idmv


It looks like all the people in IT industry write books …

and this reminds me of a quote The irresistible proliferation of graphomania among politicians, taxi drivers, childbearers, lovers, murderers, thieves, prostitutes, officials, doctors, and patients shows me that everyone without exception bears a potential writer within him, so that the entire human species has good reason to go down into the streets and shout: “We […]


Story of a simple task

There was this on-line challange where you were supposed to calculate the cargo that could fit into your cargo space. Task, itself, was not complicated, however my ideas about solving it, were jumping from technology to technology. From purely functional, via object based to ancient, structural based, approach. At first, I though – “Why not […]


CentOS 7 – issues while using certbot

On CentOS 7 you can face issues related to pyOpenSSL version while running certbot (https://certbot.eff.org/). ImportError: ‘pyOpenSSL’ module missing required functionality. Try upgrading to v0.14 or newer. If you can’t force CentOS 7 to use more recent version of this package, try this: > cd ~ > curl "https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py" -o "get-pip.py" > python get-pip.py > […]


Connecting to already running Docker container

> docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE abcdef123456 image_name > docker exec -it abcdef123456 /bin/bash


Calling C code from Python via Cython

If you need more information what Cython is, take a look here: http://cython.readthedocs.io/. This sample, is a simple “Hello world” code for macOS based installation of Python and Cython. First step is to get Cython for your platform. You can use pip to achieve that # Installation of Cython at macOS # I prefer to […]


How to get info which release of CentOS was installed

> cat /etc/centos-release > cat /etc/redhat-release


The Art of Quitting

Do you want to avoid these awkward moments when you want to do something inside editor but you have no idea how to do it? Do you want to look like a pro while working with random people? Do you remember last time you have asked your colleague – How do I quit this thing? […]


Surviving in Java’s world

JNI Cookbook – Appendix B


uDocker – when there is no root around

Docker (at some point) requires root privileges. However, it’s not always the case you have them. And then, you need to go via sys admin ;) source: When Sysadmin lends a hand – CommitStrip If you have found yourself in a situation like this, consider using either uDocker or Singularity. Using uDocker, you can run […]


Ansible Container and time out
during the process of storing large image files

If you have encountered the issue related to time out (during the build process of images while using ansible-container), take a look here: Reproducing the issue (macOS) $ python2.7 -m ensurepip –default-pip $ sudo pip install virtualenv $ virtualenv venv $ source venv/bin/activate $ pip install ansible $ pip install ansible-container[docker] $ pip install docker==2.7.0 […]


Polycom RealPresence Desktop – they can see me, but I can’t see them!

If you encounter this kind of problems, make sure to check port forwarding on your router. Recently, it happened to me that router decided to remove all the port forwarding I have set up in the past. Just make sure to have this list of forwards configured. You can read more about configuring Polycom with […]


Docker and memory settings

If you encounter this kind of issue g++: internal compiler error: Killed (program cc1plus) Please submit a full bug report, with preprocessed source if appropriate. Make sure to provide way more memory for your Docker


macOS, Time Machine and Docker

Recently, I have found that it is a definitely good idea to call sudo tmutil addexclusion -p $HOME/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker if you have Time Machine and you play with Docker a lot. This command is definitely worth running.


Ansible and ‘Error while fetching server API version’

If you are getting this error ‘Error while fetching server API version: {0}’.format(e) DockerException: Error while fetching server API version: (‘Connection aborted.’, error(2, ‘No such file or directory’)) you should know that all you need is a Docker that is running ;) I love this kind of errors :)


How to solve missing javah in Java 10 – ugly way

In Java 10, there is no longer javah tool. It means, that you can’t extract information regarding native interfaces easily. It’s not that simple to generate header files based on compiled – class – files. If you desperately need to process lots of class files, you can alway hack through using javap tool. You can […]