
Java 10 and JNI Cookbook updates

Eventually, the time for updates has come. I had to update all the codes (Makefiles, to be precise) to get JNI Cookbook samples working with most recent releases of the tool chain. http://jnicookbook.owsiak.org/introduction/


Java 10 and first surprise with JNI

Well, you will be surprised with Java 10 and JNI. They have warned – that’s true, but it escalated quickly ;) you have to switch to javac and use it’s new feature of generating JNI headers directly from java files instead of class files In fact, the whole process is much simpler now as you […]


Formatting Java code

In the past I was using Eclipse as a tool for Java formatting. Eclipse allows you to call formatter from CLI which makes it super convenient to format lots of files easily. You can find description here. But, I think that Eclipse’s time approached. I have found something called: Google Java Format. It’s very handy […]


Screen Flow vs. ffmpeg – converting to animated GIF

From time to time, I need to generate animated GIF. Mostly in cases when I want to share some info on web page or when I want to show some actions to the users. Usually, few steps that has to be done to achieve something. Like “-Click here, click there, here you go. It’s all […]


Chuchel – new game from Animata Design

If you are fan of point and click games you can’t miss this one – CHUCHEL. This is yet another game from well know Animata Design. These guys are the ones behind Smorost, Machinarium, and Botanicula (just to mention few). All these games have few, common, attributes: surrealistic sense of humour, great sound tracks (made […]


Awesomenauts and strange issues
with exporting replays

While exporting gameplay from Awesomenauts, you may experience issues related to architecture used during ffmpeg compilation. Awesomenauts come with precompiled ffmpeg version, but it looks like something went wrong. The results are horrible. No exporting inside macOS High Sierra. It looks like Awesomenauts are distributed with incorrectly built tool (in fact, libs). ./ffmpeg_mac dyld: Library […]


NX server shutdown

sudo /Applications/NoMachine.app/Contents/Frameworks/bin/nxserver.bin –shutdown sudo /Applications/NoMachine.app/Contents/Frameworks/bin/nxserver.bin –startmode manual


LaTeX on macOS High Sierra

If you are looking for macOS based setup for LaTeX, here is my advice. 1. Get the LaTeX itself http://www.tug.org/mactex/ 2. Get the editor LyX – WYSYWIG editor for LaTeX based documents Download it here TextMate + LaTeX bundle Download TextMate here and LaTeX bundle can be downloaded here. After installing bundle, you will be […]


Time Machine and file attributes in macOS

In case you want to copy files from Time Machine directory (directly) you will face issues related to files access. You need to do few things. Let’s say you have directory “backup_from_TM“. After copying it to you $HOME directory you have to # remove Time Machine’s attributes sudo xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine ./backup_from_TM sudo xattr […]


Vim mini tutorial – bookmark

ma – create bookmark 1G – jump to beginning of first line `a – jump to bookmark You can create numerous, named, bookmarks inside each file. Use letters a-z.


FreeBSD + SVN + new host IP

Recently, I had “small” issue with my SVN host. I have changed IP address of my NAS server and it made SVN failing to work. All you have to do is to update this entry inside this file /etc/rc.conf Make sure you take care of new host address (in case you have specified it in […]


bash – getting part of variable (e.g. last 4 characters and prefix)

Recently, I had this small issue: how to split variable in bash without too much effort? I wanted to split it into two parts: prefix and suffix. There were few assumptions, when it comes to variable value. – length of variable is >= 5 – it has fixed length of suffix (4 characters) – prefixes […]


macOS High Sierra – make sure your system is safe

If you want to make sure that your macOS High Sierra is clean (when it comes to malicious software) you can use free tool (free as in beer and free as in speech – at the same time) called ClamAV. You can get it various ways. You can download it’s commercial version from AppStore – […]


macOS High Sierra and Quick Time Player issues

Recently (after upgrading to macOS High Sierra) I have noticed that playing videos has some flaws. There are small glitches in Quick Time Player (or some libs) that makes watching movies really painful. You can notice these small, short, sound breaks. It’s like somebody is pressing pause button just for audio, while video is still […]


Reproducible research

Reproducible research is quite important topic. Once you design, prepare, and run your experiment you should make sure it will be possible to reproduce it in the future. Ideally, anyone should be able to perform exactly the same type of experiment. Arround 18 years ago, I started to develop: G(enetic) A(lgorithm) B(ack) P(ropagation). At that […]


Calling shell process from Groovy script

If you want to run shell script from Groovy, you can easily achieve that using either ProcessBuilder or execute methods. If you want to access environment variable (created inside Groovy) there are two ways: – create completely new environment – risky, you can forget some essential variables – create new environment based on parent’s one […]


Fortran and GNU Make

Building binary file based on Fortran code that is organized in tree based source directories may be a struggle. Usually, you want to put all objects inside single directory while, at the same time, you would like to keep sources divided into some logical parts (based on source location and modules). Let’s say you have […]


jshell and command line arguments

If you start your experience with jshell, you will notice that passing command line arguments to your script may be a struggle. Typically, you would expect something like this > jsell my_script.jsh arg1 ‘some other arg’ yet_another arg to be working such way, arguments are passed to your script. This is not the case here. […]


R3.4 + OpenMPI 3.0.0 + Rmpi inside macOS – little bit of mess ;)

As usual, there are no easy solutions when it comes to R and mac ;) First of all, I suggest to get clean, isolated copy of OpenMPI so you can be sure that your installation has no issues with mixed libs. To do so, simply compile OpenMPI 3.0.0 # Get OpenMPI sources mkdir -p ~/opt/src […]


C and controlling debug stuff (something, almost, like Log4j) ;)

In case you are not aware of the macros ;) I am sure you are aware, but, just in case :) int f(int a, int b) { #ifdef PROFILER BeginProfiling("f"); #endif … #ifdef PROFILER EndProfiling(); #endif } Then, you can control it by doing this // when you want to profile #define PROFILER // when […]