
Getting Started with tmux by Victor Quinn, J.D.

Summary: short and straight to the point This book is one of these short manuals where you get exactly what you need. Simple and straightforward explanation of the tool, helpful examples, and real life cases that show how can you improve with tmux with really not too much effort. You are literally guided step by […]


Modern Perl Best Practices by Damian Conway

Summary: Highly recommended Whether you want to watch this video heavily depends on how much Perl do you use, and how much do you appreciate good advices. If you work with Perl on day to day basis, and you want to improve by applying some of the good practices, really consider this one. Damian Conway […]


How to import Safari bookmarks into Opera 25

It is not an easy task. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work out of the box, but you can cheat Opera a little bit. So, to get all bookmarks from Safari inside Opera 25 you have to use Chrome :) Install Opera, install Chrome. After starting Chrome, it will ask you to import bookmarks from Safari – […]


Keynote – disable snap to objects

Sometimes, it’s quite frustrating when you can’t place object exactly where you want it. And that’s the result of “snap” feature in Keynote. You can easily overcome that by clicking Command button. Take a look below.


Diablo 3 – crashes at OS X and freezes my Mac

If you have experienced the issue with Diablo 3 completely freezing your Mac, take a look at file inside /Application/D3Debug.txt. In my case, there was this issue that files were corrupted. You can tell that by examining the D3Debug.txt 2014.11.12 00:38:24.407071158 ERROR: Failed to validate file (Appearance\a3dun_Keep_Cart_A_Breakable.app). Details: F9E0777B147CBC680FB8E6358613B470 778840 1 Data_D3\PC\MPQs\Cache\base\patch-base-26451.mpq 2014.11.12 00:38:24.407202563 ERROR: […]


Building Chromium on OS X

That’s my minimal scenario: cd ~/bin git clone https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/tools/depot_tools.git export PATH=`pwd`/depot_tools:”$PATH” cd ~/opt mkdir chromium cd chromium/ ~/bin/depot_tools/fetch –nohooks –no-history chromium cd src git checkout master echo “{ ‘GYP_DEFINES’: ‘OS=ios’, ‘GYP_GENERATOR_FLAGS’: \ ‘xcode_project_version=3.2’, }” > chromium.gyp_env ~/bin/depot_tools/gclient sync tools/clang/scripts/update.sh GYP_DEFINES=clang=1 build/gyp_chromium ~/bin/depot_tools/ninja -C out/Debug chrome Of course, you can find details here: http://dev.chromium.org/Home As for […]


I hate Python! – importing modules from subdirectories (PYTHONPATH)

So, you have your python application, and you want to make it tidy. You want to keep all you modules in proper subdirectories (e.g. database manipulation, views, etc.). So, here you are with your subdirectories and the code. If you are looking for a sample code, go straight here: . If you are looking for […]


View Updating by C.J. Date

Summary: Can be really tough on you This one is the weakest in the whole series. I had really hard time while going through. I can understand the point of having views that behave as relations but I think I was not convinced that it can be easily done. Instead of listening what should be […]


nulls and three value logic by C.J. Date

Summary: beware of nulls, they can surprise you So far, this one is the best out of the five in the series. nulls are painfull in db world. No matter how you define them (null, unknown, nothing at all). You can always use something that means – “missing value” – let it be: “sysmiss”, 999, […]


tcsh – keeping your prompt always up to date

In case you want to put some variable’s value inside tcsh prompt you should consider using precmd in order to keep it updated. Inside your ~/.login put following code alias precmd ‘source ~/bin/prompt.sh’ Inside ~/bin/prompt.sh you can put any definition of prompt set prompt=”┌[%n@%m variable=${ENV_VAR}]\n└[%~] ” If you use precmd you will keep the value […]


Nullology – Empty Sets in Database Theory and Practice by C.J. Date

Nullology – Empty Sets in Database Theory and Practice by C.J. Date Summary: that’s one of these love-hate relationsips :) Whether you love it or hate it depends heavily on: – whether you are concious enough to follow the material (don’t watch it at night while preparing for sleep – definitelly not a good idea) […]


Motif – it’s still usable :)

Recently I was looking for a very fast and very simple window manager that can be used over VNC (with depth 8) so I can save as much as possible in bandwidth and remote computations. I have decided to go with mwm. Yes, with good old Motif. As soon as I did it, I had […]


An Introduction to Set Theory by C.J. Date

Summary: basics that escalates heavily at the end If you haven’t heard about set theory and set algebra, you may consider this one as a good introduction. If you have graduated from mathematics or computer science, you already know it. This video targets people who are familiar with relational database but had no chance to […]


Mastering Vim – Understanding Vim’s Lesser-Known Features for More Effective Editing by Damian Conway

Summary: Takes every average Vim user few steps forward There is huge chance that you are reading this review because you are looking for some advanced features in Vim. And, most probably, you are a regular Vim user that already knows few things about it. Typical movements, jumping between words, selecting and yanking simple text […]


Things – story of abandoning application over one night

Long long time ago in galaxy far away I have bought Things – for both, my Mac and iOS devices. And I was very pleased using it (in fact, you can find it serving as a background at one of the pictures in the gallery at my blog). Anyway, I was using it constantly all […]


Indentation in Java – how to deal with it in SVN

Indentation may be a nightmare when you want to merge codes between two different branches. If there are no formatting standards inside your team, if everybody uses different tool, let it be NetBeans, Eclipse, vi, emacs, you will probably, sooner or later, face the same issue – completely unsynchronized codes. There was this discussion that […]


The Closed World Assumption by C.J. Date

Summary: For relational theory addicts I always have problem while reviewing C.J. Date’s material. The point here is that the quality, content and way of delivering it are always top noch. No questions here. But on the other hand, when it comes to audience, I think they are targeting specific people and really limited number […]


Locko – “personal cloud”

I am strongly against clouds, and the reason here is not that some naked pictures recently leaked from somewhere. I simply don’t store sensitive data at someone’s hard drives. Period. However, I need some sort of cloud for my personal usage – especially for Locko. I don’t want to copy paste all the passwords manually. […]


Learning iPhone Game Development with Cocos2D 3.0 by Kirill Muzykov

Summary: Good introduction to Cocos2D This book is a good introduction to Cocos2D. What you get here is not only a discussion of API but also remarks on game development itself. There are lots of useful information regarding not only how to code stuff, but also how to deal with elements composing the game (graphics, […]


And Now for Something Completely Different – C++ book

Today, I have “discovered” one of the best, C++ books that I have read. Discovery was possible due to the cleanup up of my book shelf. I bet, that quality and being the best comes from the “first experience”. This book was first one related to object oriented development. The funny thing here is that […]