
_JAVA_OPTIONS – special JVM environment variable that we tend to forget about

If you experience really strange behaviour of your Java app, and you want to play with settings try using _JAVA_OPTIONS You can set any settings as you would while calling java. If you are looking for more JNI samples take a look here: http://jnicookbook.owsiak.org


Running Swift from Sublime Text 3

If you just want to play with Swift’s basics try following: Inside Sublime Text 3 choose Tools -> Build System -> New Build System and replace default entry with (NOTE! make sure everything is a single line) { "shell_cmd": "/Applications/Xcode6- Beta.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/ XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/swift \"${file}\" -o \"${file_path}/${file_base_name}\" && \"${file_path}/${file_base_name}\"" } Then, type in simple Swift code and […]


Agile Software Architecture by Muhammad Ali Babar, Alan W. Brown, Ivan Mistrik

Summary: Academic style If you like academic approach to the topic, that’s something you are looking for – definitely. The book is a collection of articles from various authors. This is slightly misleading, because you don’t expect that by cover. The point here is that book itself will not provide you with some solid, single […]


OS X 10.10 virtualisation

So far, so good. I was able to get OS X 10.10 working with VM Fusion. So, I can at least try some new stuff. The same goes for Xcode 6. I had no time to check it’s features, yet, but at least it installs :) Just one remark – be prepared for “snail mode” […]


How to install OS X 10.9 Mavericks in Parallels 9

So, you are going through all these posts at different blogs that tell you how to tweak USB installation disk in order to install OS X Maverics inside Parallels 9. Instead, just take a look directly at the source: http://kb.parallels.com/en/118806


XCode 6 Beta – issue while mounting image

I am not sure whether this is just me or whether anybody else experience the same issue – CRC failed for xcode_6_beta.dmg. If this is the case for you, try this one: defaults write com.apple.frameworks.diskimages skip-verify true hdiutil xcode_6_beta.dmg And simply drag and drop Xcode6-Beta from /Volumes/Xcode into /Applications. That’s it.


Accelerated Mac OS X Core Dump Analysis: LLDB Exercises Dmitry Vostokov

Summary: Must have if you want to do any serious debugging This book is a great companion to Accelerated Mac OS X Core Dump Analysis: GDB Exercises In here, we are jumping into new debugging environment in OS X. GDB was replaced with LLDB when it comes to default debugging environment. Samples in the book […]


Practical Change Management for IT Projects by Emily Carr

Summary: Oriented on huge organisations Change, in every organization, is just a matter of time and it’s good to be prepared for it. In that respect I think it is definitely worth to read Change managament. You will, at least, know some factors that may influence the process. However, don’t expect to become change expert […]


English International Keyboard nightmare

If you have switched from US layout to English international one, you know the nightmare of the key replacement. This particularly refers to: strangely shaped Enter, location of the backward accent (‘`’) and Paragraph in place of tilde. If you want to have them replaced with each other, take a look at this one: Then, […]


And Now for Something Completely Different – Skalpel !!!

There is a brand new EP from Skalpel. You can find it here: https://itunes.apple.com/pl/album/simple-ep/id856020500. Highly recommended!!


And Now for Something Completely Different – bass

If you plan to buy headphones, and you love lots of deep bass don’t forget to bring Wayfarer (Kavinsky) with you. You will easily pick best headphones while testing with this one :)


can’t set the locale; make sure $LC_* and $LANG are correct

Comment out following line: # on macOS Sierra edit file: /etc/ssh/ssh_config # on previous versions, it should be located inside: /etc/ssh_config # make sure to comment out this line # inside this file you probably have SendEnv LANG LC_* # and you want to have something like this # SendEnv LANG LC_*


7-zip OS X

1. Get the source http://cznic.dl.sourceforge.net/project/p7zip/p7zip/9.20.1/p7zip_9.20.1_src_all.tar.bz2 2. decompress it cd ~/Downloads tar zxf p7zip_9.20.1_src_all.tar.bz2 3. change dir to p7zip_9.20.1 cd p7zip_9.20.1 4. compile the code cp makefile.macosx_64bits makefile.machine make 5. copy it to your ~/bin directory mkdir ~/bin cp bin/7za ~/bin/7zip 6. add ~/bin to your $PATH echo ‘export PATH=~/bin:$PATH” >> ~/.profile 7. that’s it


Python, GDB and PDB fun

1. Starting python directly from gdb (useful in case of debugging native calls) gdb -ex r –args python script.py args 2. Debugging inside Python using pdb (gdb style) python -m pdb myscript.py


ps – process with parents

ps xf ps axjf ps -ejH ps auxf ps -aef –forest pstree -p #####


Great deal with Locko from binarynights

You can get it for just .99$ – harry up! If you have installed demo version and you have forgotten your master password (as I did) make sure to remove database file before starting Locko again rm -rf ~/Library/Group Containers/J3CP9BBBN6.com.binarynights/Locko.lckdb There is also great Locko manual. You can find it here. Update: I think that […]


Safari keeps asking me for keychain access

What worked for me are following settings After cleaning all the stored passwords and disabling autofilling Safari eventually stopped to bother me with multiple questions regarding keychain access each time there were user/password fields on the web page.


Setting JAVA_HOME properly in Mavericks

export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home) you can put it inside your ~/.profile.


Default icons for OS X – where can I find them?

If you are looking for all these fancy OS X icons (like ones below): You can find them here: /System/Library/CoreServices/CoreTypes.bundle/Contents/Resources Just open Finder, choose from menu: Go -> Go to Folder … and paste above line.


Compare two XML files

Let’s say we have two files: <!– first file –> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <sometag attr="1" attr2="2"> Hello </sometag> <!– second file –> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <sometag attr2="2" attr="1"> Hello </sometag> After cleaning with xmllint we can compare them. xmllint –noblanks –c14n file_one.xml >file_one_tmp.xml;\ xmllint –format -recover file_one_tmp.xml > file_one_canonical.xml xmllint –noblanks –c14n file_two.xml >file_two_tmp.xml;\ xmllint […]