And Now for Something Completely Different – Jazz
If you are fan of Jazz, you will probably find these mixes interesting: http://footprints-jazz.blogspot.com.
If you are fan of Jazz, you will probably find these mixes interesting: http://footprints-jazz.blogspot.com.
Recently, accidentally, and completely by mistake I have found really cool set of Chemical Brothers mixes – Block Rocking Boots. You can find them here: Enjoy!
If you have watched GIT related videos by McCullough and Berglund (you can find reviews here and here) you can see that they have really nice environment for tutorials – it helps a lot. I am not sure how exactly they’ve set it up, but here is my guess: 1. iTerm 2 2. screen + […]
Better late than never :) You can find Portal 2 soundtrack (completely free) here: http://www.thinkwithportals.com/music.php
Summary: Must have for every R begginer And now, the moment we all have been waiting for. R graphics cookbook is already on shelves – and I have missed it’s release! This is why I am putting my hands on it right now. The book is a very well composed and easy to browse plotting […]
Just a quote from the App Store review for MuteMyMic “I have been using this app for the last couple of days, and works just great (…) Thanks for developing this app.” Oh man, thanks for the review!
Summary: Solid introduction, well written Have you heard about Git but not sure what is it? This book will give you nearly complete explanation of what Git is all about. In my personal opinion, one of the best introductions to Git. Ever. The book covers most common topics and does it right. In case you […]
Recently I had a strange issue with my Samsung SCX-4500W. It was producing strange, low, noise all the time. I have no idea what was the source of the issue. However, to get rid of it I simply left printer to operate (just being turned on) for a few hours. Suddenly, the fan stopped to […]
In Snow Leopard, Lion and Mountain Lion it might be tricky to set Volume Level correctly inside Skype. You have few places to check before everything starts to work fine. 1. Check Sound settings in System Preferences System Preferences -> Sound Make sure that both Input and Output settings are correct. Check whether your desired […]
If you ever wanted to swipe out the data from the hard drive, you can use “Erease” option from Disk Utility Note! This method ensures that you clean only free space on the hard drive! 1. Start Disk Utility Applications -> Utilities -> Disk Utility 2. Select hard drive to erase in the left panel […]
It took me some time to find out that DerivedData can be bound to Project/Workspace location. And I have found it by accident :) You can set location of DerivedData by going to: XCode -> Preferences -> Locations You will find there DerivedData location. Change it to “Relative” and you are done.
Summary: Not an easy go I admit, this was not a good idea to start MapReduce adventure by jumping directly into Design Patterns. However, I had my goal in it. Long, long time ago in a C++ galaxy far away there was a design patterns related book: “Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software”. And […]
If you are getting following message while trying to remove file: “The operation can’t be completed because the item file_name.ext is in use”, it means you have to locate the app that is preventing your file from being completely removed. This message looks like this: You can locate the app that is blocking your file […]
In OS X Java version (Lion/Mountain Lion) com.sun.javadoc.* is not located inside tools.jar as in Linux or Windows distribution. Instead, you can find it here: /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/CurrentJDK/Classes/classes.jar
Some time ago it turned out that my wired network went completely down. The issue was so serious, that wires between my house and provider’s endpoint must have been replaced. And job like this usually takes time. For that time I had to live with the EDGE. I have really poor mobile coverage here, in […]
1. classic prompt with date and directories set prompt=”\n%B%{\033[34m%}%D.%W.%Y %P\n%{\033[31m%}[%n][%m][%~]> ” 11.12.2012 21:00:00 [michalo][gamma][~]> your shell command goes here 2. color prompt with user, machine, time and direcotry PS1=”\[\033[0;37m\]\342\224\214\342\224\200\$([[ \$? != 0 ]] \ && echo \”[\[\033[0;31m\]\342\234\227\[\033[0;37m\]]\342\224\200\”) \ [$(if [[ ${EUID} == 0 ]]; then echo ‘\[\033[0;31m\]\h’; else echo \ ‘\[\033[0;33m\]\u\[\033[0;37m\]@\[\033[0;96m\]\h’; fi)\[\033[0;37m\]] \ \342\224\200[\[\033[0;32m\]\t\[\033[0;37m\]]\n\[\033[0;37m\]\342\224\224 \ […]
This version brings few bug fixes, mostly related to Snow Leopard and Mountain Lion startup procedure. MuteMyMic is now properly added into Startup Items again. Additionally, there is a fix for Mountain Lion notifications. Notifications should work now correctly in Mountain Lion. You can turn them either on or off.
Summary: Python and games development for kids It’s hard to say how should you teach kids programming. This is not an easy topic. Jason tries to make the subject as simple as possible, but this is really not that easy if you start looking at details. However, Jason makes his best and makes it really […]
If you are getting a lots of Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s). and you don’t want to track undefined values, pass following parameter to valgrind –undef-value-errors=no