Getting T* Done – pure text [Sublime Text] without plugins
As you already know, I have just read two, GTD related (Getting Things Done), books. You can find my “reviews” here and there. I have decided to give it a try – once again
As you already know, I have just read two, GTD related (Getting Things Done), books. You can find my “reviews” here and there. I have decided to give it a try – once again
Gadu, gadu – nocą, Baju, baju – w dzień
Pozytywne zaskoczenie
The better explanation of GTD
Scieg prowadzony niespotykanie grubymi nicmi. Musialo sie rozejsc.
300 pages discussing “the diagram”
Trochę mi to zajęło, ale koniec końców się udało :)
I think I have attended enough number of meet-ups to call it a day.
After recent upgrade, I have experienced few, small, issues related to Java version incompatibility.
From time to time I really have to focus on things that are outside of the computer – chapter in a book, an article, some sort of a report.
The list of the books, I want to share with you, is totally unordered, it has no special meaning, there is no hidden key.
Let’s say you have a domain host.domain.pl and you want to run Tomcat with SSL certificate.
Idealne wyczucie czasu :)
I am jumping between fonts from time to time. This time, the cover was changed a little bit – it uses now Source Code Pro.
If you are looking for a shortest, GNU GPL v.2 licensed code, I guess this one is quite a good candidate Well, this one is even shorter ;)
Just in case you haven’t seen it yet – Oracle runs Java 25th Anniversary promotion.
If you have worked on CLI based machines, where there is no way of running GUI debugger (e.g. TotalView) you probably know the struggle of debugging JNI based code. In case you can connect to machines remotely, it’s quite OK. If not, there is nothing else than CLI based environment. I am working on a […]