
Huge herd of cows and terrifying Stack Overflow Error

I never though that huge herd of cows can be the reason of Stack Overflow Error in Java. Yes, that’s true. It happened to us :) So, the other day we were playing Minecraft and Miki started to drop red cow eggs like a crazy. We had huge island fully filled with cows. Lots of […]


Minecraft server on Atom based (10 years old) machine

So, I had this old machine nobody wanted – Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU D510 @ 1.66GHz based daemon with 4GB of RAM and huge – 140 GB – HDD. I have decided to turn it into Minecraft server for our household. If you want to do something similar, here it goes. All the steps to get […]


Don’t comment you code while writing it – comment it two weeks later

From my experience it seems like two weeks are enough to forget what you were doing. More or less. Probably it’s an individual factor, but you can try yourself. Anyways, if you want to document your code, do it later, like these mentioned two weeks. The reason here is that you will already look at […]


Spring Boot – Could not open JPA EntityManager for transaction

If you are getting something like this Request processing failed; nested exception is org.springframework.transaction. CannotCreateTransactionException: Could not open JPA EntityManager for transaction; nested exception is org.hibernate.exception.JDBCConnectionException: Unable to acquire JDBC Connection] with root cause java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused at java.base/sun.nio.ch.Net.pollConnect(Native Method) ~[na:na] at java.base/sun.nio.ch.Net.pollConnectNow(Net.java:589) ~[na:na] at java.base/sun.nio.ch.NioSocketImpl.timedFinishConnect(NioSocketImpl.java:542) ~[na:na] at java.base/sun.nio.ch.NioSocketImpl.connect(NioSocketImpl.java:597) ~[na:na] at java.base/java.net.SocksSocketImpl.connect(SocksSocketImpl.java:333) ~[na:na] at java.base/java.net.Socket.connect(Socket.java:648) […]


I am your private JAR, do what you want me to do
– or how to use local JARs in your Maven based project

I think it’s a quite common case in most of the projects. You have this one or two fancy JARs that are part of your project and you have to import them into Java application that is build using Maven. To get it solved, you have to do following. First of all, create your local […]


R4.0 with Java 14 inside macOS 10.15.4

As usual, there are some issues with new Java releases (14) and R4.0. If you want to run rJava package inside R you have to do few things. First, make sure you are using Java 14 as default inside terminal session. Inside ~/.profile or ~/.zshrc add this line export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v 14) Once it’s done, […]


And Now for Something Completely Different
– schabowy, ziemniaczki i mizeria

Schabowy, ziemniaczki (z koperkiem) i mizeria. Mniam, mniam. Idealny zestaw. Czasami bywa jednak tak, że ktoś wyjedzie za granicę (np. do Bawarii), wejdzie do jednego ze sławnych Bier Hausów i od tej pory już tylko Wiener Schnitzel mit Sauerkraut. I tylko to i już tylko to będzie się liczyć. I te wszystkie historie o niebagatelnym […]


And Now for Something Completely Different – Senior Java Developer
– crazy metrics based on tutorial materials

It takes Senior Java Developer 6 (six) minutes to fix type cast error while working with TypeScript. If it takes you the same ammount of time, I guess you can call yourself a Senior Java Developer :)


And Now for Something Completely Different – cs:go
macOS Catalina and double click issue

If you face the issue with mouse double click inside CS:GO – e.g. you have to double click to switch between menu options, or you have to double click to shot a weapon – follow these steps. To set windowed mode of CS:GO make sure to set it here Right Click -> Properties -> Set […]


Running GSL library inside R on macOS 10.15

It’s quite simple. Make sure to build everything from the sources > mkdir -p $HOME/opt/src > mkdir -p $HOME/opt/usr/local > cd $HOME/opt/src > curl -O http://mirror.us-midwest-1.nexcess.net/gnu/gsl/gsl-2.6.tar.gz > tar zxf gsl-2.6.tar.gz > cd gsl-2.6 > ./configure –prefix=$HOME/opt/usr/local/gsl/gsl-2.6 > make > make install make sure that R can see your fresh installation and run R. > export […]


JDK 14 and macOS Catalina – issue with unidentified developer

After installing JDK 14, as soon as you try to compile simple Hello world! application you will notice following issue “jdk-14.jdk” is damaged and can’t be opened This issue can be solved by moving Info.plist into backup file (e.g. one with ~ at the end). > cd /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-14.jdk/Contents > sudo mv Info.plist Info.plist~ However, this […]


Modules as a convenient way of choosing build chain on macOS

Modules (Environment Modules or Lmod: A New Environment Module System) are the convenient way of setting up your – typically CLI based – environment. You can efficiently switch back and forth between different tool chains. You can run different tools inside different terminal windows (you probably know the pain of setting up Java inside macOS […]


Over engineering – good sides of it

Abstract: How much can you over-engineer simple formula for converting units. If you want to skip the reading, you can go straight to repo There was this holiday contest (in one of the programmers forums) based on the idea of writing over-engineered tool for converting miles per galon to liters per 100 kilometers. You can […]


Building OpenCoarrays on macOS
– everything from the sources – gcc-8.3.0

—————— Most recent version of this post can be found here: gcc-13.2.0 —————— This article focuses on installation based on gcc-8.3.0. There are quite a lot of perquisites for this article, but there are two, most important ones. You will need: huge cup of coffee/tea and something to do between various compilation steps (good book […]


I thought macOS had it all.
I was wrong, my installation starts to resemble HPC machine

OK, I thought I can survive basing purely on what macOS can provide me with. I was so wrong. My mpich installations start to look, oh so, HPC alike. Now, let me introduce you to my most recent mpich installation ;) mpich-3.3.1-gcc-9.2.0


OpenCoarrays using homebrew – I guess you have to be lucky to get it working :(

Yet another way of using OpenCoarrays is to work with homebrew. However, there is one, small, issue. Note that OpenCoarrays may not work with OpenMPI. You can find description of the issue here: https://github.com/sourceryinstitute/OpenCoarrays/issues/625, and here is the original post on StackOverflow – Why does coarray with allocatable component creates segmentation faults when accessed from […]


Learning coarrays on macOS using Docker based installation of gfortran

Installation of the whole toolchain that allows you to play with coarrays might be challenging. It requires lots of small steps, and at least sort of proficiency when it comes to installation based on source code. Take a look here if you are brave enough to install everything from sources: Building OpenCoarrays on macOS – […]


Building OpenCoarrays on macOS
– everything from the sources – gcc-9.2.0

—————— Most recent version of this post can be found here: gcc-13.2.0 —————— This article focuses on installation based on gcc-9.2.0. There are quite a lot of perquisites for this article, but there are two, most important ones. You will need: huge cup of coffee/tea and something to do between various compilation steps (good book […]


Passing string as #define and resolving it as string

Sometimes, it’s required to pass string that will be passed as preprocessor variable so we can make some choices during compilation phase. If you try to pass string as preprocessor variable, and will try to use it inside C string literals, it will fail. #include <stdio.h> #ifndef VALUE #error VALUE is not defined #endif int […]


X2Go issue on macOS Catalina – X2Go can’t start XQuartz

If you are running X2Go and you get following error It means something is wrong with your XQuartz installation. First of all, it might be you haven’t installed XQuartz at all. In that case, take a look here: https://www.xquartz.org/releases/. Another issue might be related to some dangling connections and in fact, issue is somewhere else […]